Plug & Play Biotech Pitch
EventsWe have been invited by Plug & Play to pitch Gate2Brain at their Biotech focused pitch session on January…
Bio-Europe 2023
EventsHere, we are! Emerging from our enriching experience at Bio-Europe in Munich, where we were privileged…
Science Week 2023
EventsThis week, Gate2Brain ignited the spark of scientific wonder as our CEO, Meritxell Teixido , infused…
Inv€$tival Showcase – LSX
Events📅 Our Business Development Manager, Carles Taulé Flores, will be attending the 8th annual LSX…
Gate2Brain honored with an award as part of the EIT Health “Wild Card” program
Events, News, timelineGate2Brain has recently been honored with an award as part of the EIT Health "Wild Card" program!
World Orphan Drug Congress Europe 2023
EventsWe're all geared up and excited for World Orphan Drug Congress Europe 2023❗❗
Gate2Brain is thrilled…
33rd Barcelona Investment Healthcare Forum
EventsGate2Brain, alongside 8 other health startups, is privileged to take part in the round presentations…
Finalist of EIT Health Wild Card Programme 2023
Events, NewsGate2Brain has proudly earned a spot as a finalist in the esteemed 2023 EIT Health Wild Card Programme,…
G2B at Pediatric Diffuse Midline Glioma International Meeting
EventsGate2Brain was honored to participate in the Pediatric Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) International Meeting,…
BioSpain 2023
EventsBioSpain was a whirlwind of activity! At #BioRegió, we were honored to receive a visit from Pere Aragonès,…
Gate2Brain’s Summer Retreat 2023
EventsOnly a few days ago, we experienced a delightful prelude to the upcoming holidays, which are just around…
Bits & Pretzels
Catapult has been an extensive journey that started approximately more than one year ago, filled with…
17th China International Peptide Academic Symposium
Last week we attended the 17th China International Peptide Academic Symposium hosted by Nankai University…
Frontiers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Events, timelineThe Fundación Rafael del Pino invited our CEO, Meritxell Teixido, to the eight edition of the Frontiers…
StartUB day
EventsYesterday, our CEO, Meritxell Teixidó, took part in the StartUB day! event organized by Let's UB!. This…