Belief in the power of partnership at all levels, both internally and with institutions, colleagues, patients’ associations and other stakeholders around the world.
Meritxell Teixidó, PhD
Chief Executive & Scientific Officer
Gloria Sanclimens, PhD
Chief Operating Officer
Esther Riambau, BSc, MBA
Business Development Advisor
Andres Morales
CMO, Chief Medical Officer
Alejandro Sosnik, Prof.
Nanotech Advisor
Prof. of Materials Science & Engineering at
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Carles Taulé
BDM, Business Development Manager
Helena Castillo, PhD
Preclinical & Clinical Project Manager
Patil Bhalchandra
GMP Consultant & Quality Auditor
(based in Mumbai)
Marina Plaza, PhD
Chemist Research Scientist
Pablo Magnani
COO at TOWA Pharma International
Andrés G. Fernández, PhD
Biopharma Industry Expert
Ernest Giralt, Prof.
Emeritus Professor at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and at the University of Barcelona
Fernando Albericio, Prof.
Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Barcelona
Belief in the power of partnership at all levels, both internally and with institutions, colleagues, patients’ associations and other stakeholders around the world.
Pursuit of continuous improvement of our products and activities and to provide true and consistent value.
Readiness to pursue innovation and creativity and its application to patients, always striving to overcome the challenges and bring about the change we want to see in the world.
Finding joy in every task and being continuously focused on improvement. Meeting our challenges with creativity and enthusiasm as a team.
Gate2Brain is a biotech company focused on the development of therapeutics that efficiently cross biological barriers such as the blood-brain barrier. We use a radically innovative peptide-based patented technology.
Barcelona Scientific Park
Baldiri Reixac, 4-8, Torre I
08028 Barcelona, Spain